Pir’amide fiscal

Los 100 mayores contribuyentes de Corea del Sur (el an~o pasado? (el art’iculo no lo especifica)) ganaron 1523 veces el ingreso medio del pa’is, siendo su contribuci’on de poco m’as del 5% del total de lo recaudado (incluyendo rendimientos del trabajo y rentas de negocios).
The top 100 income tax payers earned 1,523 times the median income for South Koreans, while accounting for just over five percent of taxes paid on all taxable income. The values reflect payment of both taxes on both wages and business income.

South Korea‘s top 100 income tax payers earned 1,523 times the median
ERRI economic study shows need to bring up the median income as 2012 income gap exceeds 2007 levels